Special Customs Treatments in Free Zones
10.1. The customs clearance process shall be completed against submission of the following documentations:
10.1.1. for goods entering a free zone from overseas, cargo manifest, waybill, and if necessary, relevant permit or license;
10.1.2. for goods entering a free zone from the territory of Mongolia, tax receipt in addition to documents specified in Clause 10.1.1.
10.2. In addition to goods referred to in Clause 38.1.4 of the Law on Customs Tariff and Duties, a simplified customs clearance procedure shall apply to goods purchased by a visitor entering the customs territory from a free zone, the total value of which not exceeding MNT3.0 million.
10.3. Non-tariff restrictions shall not be set for goods entering a free zone from overseas or exiting a free zone to a foreign country.
10.4. A simplified customs clearance procedure shall apply to goods entering a free zone from overseas or exiting a free zone to a foreign country.
10.5. A risk-based customs control shall be exercised against goods entering a free zone.
10.6. Any business or organization operating in a free zone shall be connected with a customs office through an electronic data network and the registration of goods entering a free zone shall be completed electronically.